
How This Manifestation Coach Doubled Her Launch Results Using Automated Messages on Instagram

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POSTED April 22, 2024 BY Elise Darma

If you’re craving a bigger impact from your Instagram efforts, you’ve probably wondered about the trend of business owners asking their audience to comment a CODE WORD to strike up a one-on-one chat, using automated messages. 📲

Abi spotted this tactic growing in popularity too, and knew she had to learn more because her current Instagram process felt cumbersome and not scalable. She especially wanted to know how people were managing all of these conversations! 

So during a launch, she asked the universe to help her figure out how other coaches were using automated messages… and less than a week later she saw me announce Message Magic!

Before joining us, she had made exactly zero sales from Instagram, so she was excited to take the strategy I teach in Message Magic for a spin. Especially since it doesn’t require a big team to keep it running.

After her launch, she caught up with us to do a full rundown on her results. 🔽

“[Automated messages] doubled my sales [which resulted in a $45,000 week] and quadrupled my lead generation – I have about four times more people coming onto my email list than before.”

Not too shabby, huh?!

Headshot of a woman with dark hair smiling with a text overlay that reads "How This Manifestation Coach Doubled Her Launch Results Using Automatic Messages on Instagram"

Here are the steps she took to make it all happen:

1. She Focused On the Quality Of Followers, Not the Quantity

If you’ve ever felt like you can’t see game-changing results from automated messages because you don’t have enough followers, think again.

When Abi first started her business, she had a coach suggest that she buy Instagram followers – an old strategy that can have lasting negative implications on your account. So during another program with us, she decided to scrap it all and start a new account.

It was tough to go from 8,000+ followers to just a few hundred, especially after being an expert in her industry for so long. Abi worried about how a smaller following would look to potential clients.

But once she realized that her engagement on her new account was increasing up to 124%, she was sold!

Automated messages kick off with a comment including a keyword, so a smaller, engaged audience pairs perfectly with this strategy. 

A screenshot of a Facebook comment from Abi Levine that says, "I was feeling a bit like I wanted my followers to be growing faster than they are. And then I calculated my insights for the last 10 posts. And my engagement is at 124%. With saves and sends also. And that just reminded me that the key is quality of content and quality of followers and I'm nailing that. And then I felt better. Thanks for that insight into Insta. I really needed that!"

2. She Embraced B-Roll

Abi’s Instagram process before Message Magic felt cumbersome. She was trying to set aside hours a day to create Reels – including scripting, filming, and editing them.

Because of that, she was rarely actually creating content. Instead, she found herself focusing on winging her strategy and trying to produce long-form content – which was just as time-consuming.

But once she learned about the concept of B-Roll from Message Magic, everything changed!

Abi had seen other entrepreneurs use B-Roll, but she never knew the strategy behind it or what their actual process was. Once she dug in, she realized she already had stacks of B-Roll. She was sitting on a gold mine (and you likely are too). 😉

When she created a bank of B-Roll on her phone, she could go from thought to posting a Reel in just about 15 minutes – including the time it took to cross-post it to other platforms! 

She noticed that removing this friction allowed her to crank out content FAST. She wasn’t worried about bombarding her feed because she knew her audience would just catch the Reels that resonated with them and leave the others.

Abi got to the point where she could squeeze an entire 15-part email series into the period of a week because creating Reels became so easy

A screenshot of a Facebook comment from Abi Levine that says, "I have to say with this quick and easy reels method I'm pumping out so many more and I LOVE them. I'm so proud of them. I'm in a launch right now and I can easily create 2-5 per day. So far I'm having a $45k sales week."

3. She Removed Herself As The Bottleneck Using Automated Messages

When Abi’s engagement skyrocketed because she was posting so much, she started to worry about managing all of the messages she was getting – a good problem to have, right?!

That’s where the real magic of Message Magic comes in… 

She created a flow that automatically delivered the resources her audience was requesting WITHOUT Abi needing to manually do anything. So while she was running the rest of her business, people were getting her journal and joining her email list in the background.

Then, because her creativity was flowing and her day-to-day life was so open, she was able to impact more people with her work.

She even set up her Instagram posts to share automatically to Facebook so she could collect emails there too without having to manually message people. 

A screenshot of a Facebook comment from Abi Levine that says, "Oh my god, since I have my Instagram posts set to automatically share to Facebook, I wondered if I could set up a freebie collect email funnel for Facebook also so I don't have to manually message those people. It was so easy! Yay yay yay for this new tool! Thank you thank you thank you!"

4. She Kept It Up During A Launch

When it came time for Abi to do a launch, she stayed consistent with the strategy (B-Roll Reels, exciting hooks, and automated messages) that had been working so well for her… and it paid off. 🎉

She had not one, not two, but THREE people specifically mention that they were signing up with her because of what they had seen on her Instagram. 

One client said they didn’t even need to hop on a sales call with her, they were already sold from her Reels – and that was for a $15,000 program!

With those three sales, Abi had a $45,000 week and at the time of our conversation, was sitting at $245,000 total for her launch (half of which came in before she joined Message Magic, so she’s attributing a lot of the second half to automated messages!)

A screenshot of a Facebook comment from Abi Levine that says, "Okay, first, BRILLIANT! I'm in awe at you Elise and the Elise Darma Team at how you knock it out of the park every single time. The hooks are super helpful to narrow down the vast amounts of endless knowledge in my brain, along with the suggestions for grabbing content. Also, the ideas for B-roll are super amazing. Basically, 5 star.

Abi’s Top Advice for Coaches Struggling With Creating Content

We asked Abi for her top advice for other coaches struggling with creating Instagram content, and she shared some tips: 

  1. Know your audience! If you don’t know what your audience’s experience is, then you are wasting a whole bunch of time and effort offering them content that they’re not interested in.
  2. In order to know your audience, you have to talk to them. She set up a bunch of phone calls and offered an angel reading in exchange for her audience answering a few questions.
  3. Keep your mindset in check. There is some talk about high-ticket offers not selling well on Instagram right now, but Abi was able to book 50 spots for a brand new program using this strategy, so it’s working!

Want to test out the exact strategies Abi used AND start making Instagram work for you?

Mockup of the digital course Message Magic

As soon as I got back from maternity leave, I hit the ground running and created Message Magic. I wanted busy business owners to have this info in their hands ASAP.


  1. This strategy is still SO new – now is the time to get ahead of your competition.
  2. 2 out of 3 customers say that speed of service is just as important as the price (and this system runs in the background 24/7).
  3. Every week, 1 billion people message businesses over WhatsApp, Messenger, and Instagram.

Once your messaging system is up and running, you’ll:

    1. Be able to step away from the content side of your business for weeks or even months to come
    2. See more sales generated to your offers and products, literally effortlessly
    3. Have more time for life outside of work (including your family, hobbies, and self-care – remember those things!?)

And don’t worry about the tech. We set it up so that you can import 12 done-for-you automations right into your Manychat account with one click!

Ready to connect your content to the very same “set it and forget it” strategy that Abi used to double her launch results?

POSTED April 22, 2024 BY Elise Darma

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Discover how she used automated messages on Instagram to double her launch results.

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