
10 Instagram Reels Content Ideas for Business

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POSTED November 18, 2020 BY Elise Darma

On the hunt for a lightning-fast way to boost your engagement on Instagram? ⚡

There are all kinds of ways to connect with your audience on the ‘gram, but the best, most tried and true, practically no-fail way is… 

You guessed it… 


Gone Viral

Here’s the even better news: Growing your account using Reels isn’t just for influencers or those super duper comfortable on camera. 

There are all kinds of ways to get Instagram Reels to work for your business. In fact… Here are 10 ways now! 

And don’t worry these ideas are battle-tested. 

Sarah has used some of the ideas I’m about to share with you over and over, and now she has MULTIPLE videos that bring in MULTIPLE sales for her every day. Check it out. 👇

Sarah Barnett   Every Single One Is Bringing In Sales

Sold? Let’s get started with your 10 Reel content ideas for business.

1. Talking Head Tip

The first Instagram Reels idea for business is probably the easiest and simplest to make.

It is a “talking head” tip, which you make either 15 or 30 seconds long.

1 Talkingheadtip Ezgif.com Optimize

If that sounds familiar, yep, it’s just like an Instagram Story. Seriously.

You simply film yourself on camera sharing a tip in 30 seconds or less. That’s it.

Don’t forget to add text, captions, and trending music (in the background)!

2. Do This Instead

The second Reel idea for business is what I call, “Do This Instead”. 

This content idea is all about offering a different way for your target audience to get their desired result… a way that you can help them with. 

Like this:

2 Dothisinstead Ezgif.com Optimize

After filming, you will edit your video to add text on the screen.

Tell them what to STOP doing, and then show your alternative!

3. Get to Know Me

The third Instagram Reel content idea for business is a “get to know me” video.

This video is pretty easy – and fun to make, too.

To start, find a song you like in Reels. Try choosing a song with a good, fun beat.

Then, you’re going to film yourself working, smiling, or dancing to the music.

After filming, when you’re editing your Reel, I encourage you to add text on screen that shares a small little story about you.

Like in this example Reel here:

3 Gettoknowme Ezgif.com Optimize

Here are some ideas of things you could share about yourself:

  • How you got started in your business
  • How you got your very first customer
  • Why you chose to have the business that you have today
  • Special interests that you have
  • Fun facts about yourself

Go ahead and share something personal in text over the top of your recording. 

People will love to see the professional and personal side of you!

4. Green Screen

The fourth Reel idea uses one of my favorite effects! It’s like becoming a news anchor… and journalism is actually my background! So it’s quite fun to me. 😉

When you select the green screen effect, your background is going to go all green and you will be able to pull up an image or a video from your camera roll that will appear right behind you.

This could be a picture of something interesting happening in your industry or of something you have a hot take on.

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This visual is really powerful.

If you do make this one, be sure to let me know over on Instagram @EliseDarma. I would love to check it out!

5. Snappy Tips

The fifth Reel idea is called “snappy tips” and this one’s pretty fun and easy, too.

The idea is to find a clip of music that has a catchy beat or is trending.

Then, select some B-Roll from your bank (if you don’t have one of those, make sure to check out Message Magic – it’s a MAJOR time saver) and add your tips on top of it. 

Like this:

5 Snappytips Ezgif.com Optimize

I’ve covered how to do this right here in this video, so be sure to check it out. 

Learn how to time text in Reels ⬆️

6. Book Club

The sixth Instagram content idea for Reels is what I call “book club.”

6. Book Club

If you are an avid reader, or maybe you’re reading a book right now for fun, an easy Reel that you can make is simply showing off a book that you’re currently reading, or maybe it’s a collection of books that you have found to be super helpful to grow your business.

Go ahead and try this one out.

(You don’t even have to be on camera!)

7. Office Check

The seventh Reel idea for business is called “office check.”

You may have heard similar audio on TikTok or Reels, where people will say something like, “boyfriend check”, “girlfriend check”, “hot mom check.”

This one, I’m calling “office check.”

If you can’t tell, it’s a little bit of a humble brag.

Office Check

Let’s say your office is looking especially sparkly clean one day…

Go ahead and film a couple clips of your office.

Show some of the small things that really represent you and your personality.

Add some music and some text.

The text could be as simple as “office check”.

Go ahead and give your followers a sneak peek into what it’s like to work with you for a day.

8. Outfit of the Day

The next Reel idea for business is called “outfit of the day.”

“Wait, Elise, outfit? What I’m wearing has nothing to do with my business.”

And that’s exactly the point.

Instagram Reels are designed to be fun, short, entertaining clips.

You can definitely have fun with this video idea, especially if what you wear has nothing to do with your business.

8 OOTD 1 8 OOTD 2

Are you dressed up today? Are you dressed down today, like every day?

Go ahead and share with your followers your fashion sense (or lack thereof!).

Maybe what you wear day to day is kind of funny, because you’re all business up top and pajama pants on the bottom. 🫢

9. Current Events

The ninth content idea for Instagram Reels is commentary on a current event.

For this one, you’re going to want to use the “green screen” effect from Instagram again (I told you, it’s my fave!)

9 Currentevents Ezgif.com Optimize

The first step is to open your phone, look at the news, and find a headline or news article that’s related to your industry. Take a screenshot of the article with the headline.

In Instagram Reels, select the green screen effect and pull up the screenshot of the article so that it’s showing up behind you.

Then, I want you to record yourself, sharing your thoughts about the headline.

With this type of Reel, you want to share your position on the headline.

Maybe your take on it is a little controversial.

Perhaps you may rant a little bit.

Maybe you have a snarky, cynical take on the headline.

Whatever it is, this is going to be a really great way for you to differentiate yourself from others in your market.

10. Myth Vs. Truth

The 10th Reel idea for business is called “myth vs. truth.”

In this Reel, you’re going to address a common belief that people in your industry have.

What are other people in your industry saying that you disagree with?

I want you to come on camera and state this out loud.

Take this example here:

10 Mythvstruth Ezgif.com Optimize

I want you to share the incorrect beliefs, and then what the new, reframed belief is. I want you to share the truth.

Now, you only have up to 30 seconds, so you’re going to have to be short, sweet and snappy.

But if you get this right, you might actually be able to change the beliefs of your followers in one 30-second video.

This is powerful because once your followers have the correct beliefs in place, it may make them more likely to become customers in your business now that they have the right mindset.

So there you have it…10 Reels content ideas for business that will connect you with your audience and boost your engagement!

reels content ideas

The Reality Of Growing Your Business With Reels

Know you need to be showing up on video, but not sure what to post that will actually make a difference in your business? 

What if you could have five fresh video prompts delivered to your digital doorstep every week… with caption templates and adaption suggestions for Coaches, Service Providers, and Product-Based Business Owners? 

On Video offers just that (and tons more)!

Onvideo Mockup2


On Video is a membership for businesses that provides a weekly content drop of short-form video ideas and caption templates – so that your views turn into leads and sales – without dancing, scrolling for hours, or getting burned out from content creation.


Inside, you’ll get access to:

  • 20 Video Ideas Each Month (value $297)
  • 20 Captions Each Month (value $297)
  • Instagram Production Board (value $197)
  • BONUS: Community & Videos Coach (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60 Caption Templates (value $197)
  • BONUS: How To 4X The Reach Of 1 Video (value $197)
  • BONUS: 60-Day Launch Calendar (value $197)


POSTED November 18, 2020 BY Elise Darma
Hi, I’m Elise Darma!

I traded my 9-5 office cardigan for
that 7-figure entrepreneur life. But
I’m no overnight success. I’ve
experienced burnout, overwhelm
and ghosting Instagram for the
entire month of February 2019. I’m
probably the laziest Instagram
marketer you know, but if you want
to know how to sell more by doing
less – you’re in the right place.

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working in my business
that you
can implement in yours.

I’m that front-of-class type who’s
passing all the notes your way.

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in my business
you can
implement in yours.

elise Darma An extroverted introvert

I teach not-so-Insta-famous
business people how to
show up on
in a way that’s bearable and
Let me show you the
ways. (It’ll be fun, I promise.)