
How to Batch Create and Schedule Your Instagram Posts (PLUS an Awesome Tool)

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POSTED December 28, 2018 BY Elise Darma

Gather ‘round your digital screen of choice and let me tell you a juicy secret… Just because I’m such an Instagram cheerleader doesn’t mean I live inside the app.

Batching Your Instagram Work is the BEST Way to Save Time and Sanity

If you’ve heard all the buzz about “batching” but still aren’t quite sure how it works, let me fill you in. 

In simple terms, “batching” is a system that involves dividing your projects or workflows into specified chunks of time where you’re doing the same activity over and over, instead of jumping around from task to task.

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That’s why ‘batch work’ has created the buzz it has and why I’m such a firm believer in it. 

Now that you’re all caught up, here’s how I batch my Instagram content for an entire week (or more), step by step, so you can follow along and do it yourself too!

How to batch schedule your Instagram posts


The very first step in batching is planning out what to create… and this is where a lot of people get stuck. Just where DO you find fresh ideas to post every week? 

Humble plug, that’s why I created On Video – it’s a membership that gives you 5 short-form video prompts a week, already adapted for your business model. Snazzy, right? 

Another simple way to create content is using a B-Roll bank. I give you the ins and outs of that in Message Magic, but basically, it’s quick, few-second clips of you living your day-to-day life, with text on top of it. 

No matter how you round up your ideas, the first step of batching is spending one day PLANNING everything you’re going to post in your designated time period.


Now that you have everything planned out, it’s time to create your content. 

This is the day that you’ll get camera-ready, have a few outfits to change into, and just speed through the ideas you mapped out earlier. 

It becomes so much easier to create content when it’s all on one day rather than sporadically throughout the week. You don’t even have to worry about editing on this day, that comes next. 

So just sit down and CREATE. 🙂


With your videos recorded, you can take the third day and dedicate time to editing them. 

This means applying the trending audios, cutting out parts that don’t work for the video, or applying filters as you want. It also means adding text on the screen or other graphics. 

You can do this all natively in the Instagram app, or you can use something like CapCut (which I love) to speed up the process. 


On the fourth day of your batching session, focus on writing the captions for your content. 

On Video provides caption templates for every short-form video prompt each week, but if that’s not your vibe, you can also check out my caption writing formula here.


The hard part is over, now it’s time to decide when you’re posting! 

In this phase of my batching process, I think about whether I want to post once a day, twice a day, or a few times a week (depending on whether I’m in a launch period or not). 

With my schedule in mind, I either post my created content in real-time or use a scheduling tool like Later.


Ta-dah! You just aced your Instagram creation process for an entire week! Now that you have the system down, the only thing you need to do is stay consistent. 

Make a commitment to yourself and your business to continue with the batching process so you can save time, energy, and sanity while creating content.


When you start posting consistently, your audience WILL start to engage with you more. YAY! But what do you do with all of that engagement, and how do you stop it from bleeding into your other work tasks? 

Enter, automated messages! 🙌

More content is shared in DMs than anywhere else on Instagram, which is part of why I’ve always said that the money is made in the DMs! So harness that engagement juice and fire off links to your best resources automatically. 

I’ll teach you everything + give you the templates you need to get started here. ⤵️

MM Templates Mockup


This is the same system one of my students used to DOUBLE her launch results, and you can do the same thing.

POSTED December 28, 2018 BY Elise Darma
Hi, I’m Elise Darma!

I traded my 9-5 office cardigan for
that 7-figure entrepreneur life. But
I’m no overnight success. I’ve
experienced burnout, overwhelm
and ghosting Instagram for the
entire month of February 2019. I’m
probably the laziest Instagram
marketer you know, but if you want
to know how to sell more by doing
less – you’re in the right place.

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that you
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I’m that front-of-class type who’s
passing all the notes your way.

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you can
implement in yours.

elise Darma An extroverted introvert

I teach not-so-Insta-famous
business people how to
show up on
in a way that’s bearable and
Let me show you the
ways. (It’ll be fun, I promise.)