
How to Write a Business Bio on Instagram

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November 29, 2019 BY Elise Darma

Be honest… How many times have you been stuck on what to say in your business bio on Instagram?

I’ve been on Instagram since 2011 and I would guess I’ve probably published 50 versions of my bio. 

I think we all get stuck on what to say, like…

“How do I make my messaging on Instagram super clear?”

“How do I attract leads on Instagram?”

“How do I get people to actually click the link in my bio?” 

I’m going to cover exactly how to write a bio that attracts the right person to your profile and gives them an action to take so that you can start generating leads in your business.

Kinda like this 👇

business bio on Instagram

PLUS I’m going to share two – count that – TWO bio templates that you can use the next time you’re feeling in the mood to rewrite your Instagram bio.

Let the Instagram business bio makeover begin📱

Prefer to watch a video? I got you. Check it out here ☝️

1. Specify your niche in your Instagram bio

If there is one mistake that I see happen over and over again, it’s this: not being specific enough in your business bio on Instagram. 

An Instagram bio only has 150 characters. This means you have to be succinct. You don’t have characters and letters to waste. 

By being specific, what I mean is you need to talk to your target follower immediately. Your bio is your target follower’s first impression of you, and you don’t have an opportunity to get a second first impression.

That’s why I recommend following this flow for the very first line of your bio: who you help and how. 

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Do not waste time. Don’t create a tagline. Do not put fluff in your bio. 🙅🏽

You need to tell your person, “This is who I’m for and this is how I can help you solve a problem.”

Nine times out of ten, people don’t do this and this is the number one mistake with bios. They make it about themselves. They make it about some wishy washy mission that they have. 

business bio on Instagram

Don’t do that. Make it about your target follower. 

Literally say in that first line, “I am for [X, Y, Z] helping them do [A, B, C].” 

The problem you help them solve? It has to be a problem that keeps them up at night. They’re losing money, they’re losing sleep, their health is declining, their stress is increasing.

If you’re feeling stuck on this first step, I encourage you to take a step back from your business and ask yourself, “Have I niched down enough?” 

There’s a saying, “the riches are in the niches“, meaning, the more specific you can get about the particular person you help, that’s where you’re going to get the money.

A big problem I see with business owners is that they’re afraid to niche down. They’re afraid to be specific because they don’t want to turn people away. 

But what happens when you stay super vague and super broad? Well, no one is attracted to you because your bio is not speaking to anyone in particular. 

If this is resonating with you, don’t feel bad. Just take this as a wake up call, like, “Hmm, maybe I need to get more specific with who I actually serve in my business so that they know I am the perfect solution for them.” 

Believe me, you are doing your target audience a disservice by not being specific. You are losing people. You are turning them away when they don’t know that you are for them. 

2. Show authority in your Instagram bio

The second line of your business bio on Instagram is the perfect place to build some authority or really make yourself stand out from your competitors.

What makes you the best choice for them to solve their problem? 

If you’ve got some experience under your belt, this is a great time to highlight the number of clients you’ve helped, or the number of dollars you’ve helped your clients save or make. 

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Try to get tangible and specific here. From a human psychology perspective, we really like to know specifics. And even better, numbers. Try to get really, really specific down to the dollar if you can. 

If you’re feeling like you’re newer to your business and you don’t have years of experience or hundreds of clients, that’s totally fine too…

Instead, this is where you can put why YOU; why you are different. This could be because you have a particular model, a particular way of doing what you do, or maybe you have been featured in some big press names. 

If none of these are applying to you right now, maybe you’re just really quirky and really fun to work with and that’s what differentiates you from your competitors. 

I’ve been stuck on this part before, and you know what I did?

I actually reached out to my customers. I reached out to my students in my course and I said, “Hey, why do you do business with me?”

If you are stuck on what makes you different, ask your customers – ask them how they see you and that might be what makes you stand out. 

3. Make sure your Instagram business bio has a Call to Action

By now, you’ve filled up most of your bio and you might have room for one more line.

This third line of your business bio on Instagram is really important because it will provide a specific reason why your followers should click the link in your bio. 

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A lot of times people just drop a link there and there’s really no compelling reason as to why a new follower should care about clicking that link.

Your third line should be a call to action letting your followers know what’s in it for them to click that link. 

Is there a 10% off code?

Is there a brand new training with a specific title?

Is there a case study that would be really good for them to know? 

Choose the one thing that they’re going to care about the most that you can offer for free. Freebies can be a great way to build your list.

Here’s an Example Instagram Business Profile Makeover

My videographer Effie had not redone her Instagram business bio in a while. She has a business offering video services and photography.

Let’s makeover Effie’s Instagram business bio together:

business bio on Instagram

🛑 Issue #1: A lot of niches listed. 

If I were to rewrite this bio, the first line would be, “I help [target client] do [X].”

As it stands, it looks like Effie is serving a lot of niches. She lists landscape, real estate, events, couples, family, and lifestyle. 

I asked Effie who would be her ideal client from that list, and she responded ‘landscapers,’ especially during their award season. 

New first line: “I shoot for award-winning landscapers.”

🛑 Issue #2: No differentiating factor between her and other photographers.

The second line of your bio should be what makes you unique, or gives you credibility.

Here you can mention the amount of years you have spent in the industry, the number of projects you have worked on – anything that demonstrates your credibility to your target client.

In Effie’s case, I recommend writing how many landscapers she has worked with who have gotten awards.

New second line: “8 award-winning clients and counting.”

🛑 Issue #3: There is no call to action letting the viewer know why they should click on the link in her bio.

The solution here is to add a clear call to action as your final line, just above the link.

Try to build in some urgency or scarcity, especially if you’re dealing with a seasonal business. 

Urgency-based CTAs and limited time offers are really powerful to get people off your profile and into your DMs or on your website. 

New final line: “Three more booking spots available for October,” or “Book before the end of the year for $100 discount.” 

Instagram Business Bio Templates

Here are two bio templates you can use to rewrite your bio today ⬇️

Template #1

First line: Helping [target market] turn [problem] into [core benefit]

Second line:[X] clients served + [X] [total results added up].

Third line: [Free high value resource for your target customer]

Template #2

First line: Coach for [target market] looking to [core benefit of your service/program].

Second line: Featured in [X, Y, Z press features] + [X] years of experience. 

Third line: DM me [ABC] for a surprise. 

Note: If your business is built off of connecting with people through the DMs, you can drop in a little code word in your bio (like you see in template #2) and track and see how many people DM you that code word. This way you will know exactly how many leads and customers are coming from Instagram.

And there you have it!

When you have given your own Instagram business profile a makeover, leave your Instagram handle in the comments below – I’d love to check it out!

Free, hands-on workshop – you and me. Meet ya there?

If you loved this blog post and want even more how-to tips on making sales through your Instagram account, join me for my FREE hands-on workshop.

Elise Darma Free Workshop 1

In this ~co-working~ style workshop, we’ll check off:

  1. What your best Instagram strategy is – even if you’re new in business or are just starting to use Instagram for your business (PLUS, we’ll give your profile and bio a total makeover)

  2. What your current season of business is and which features you should focus on to get the most results for your efforts

  3. How to navigate making reels for your business, especially if you feel silly pointing or dancing on camera (PLUS, we’ll generate 80 content ideas for your next posts – yes, 80!)

  4. Future-proofing your account for inevitable changes that are coming to Instagram (including an evergreen formula that’ll never go out of style)

Join me at this FREE workshop now ⬇️

November 29, 2019 BY Elise Darma
Hi, I’m Elise Darma!

I traded my 9-5 office cardigan for
that 7-figure entrepreneur life. But
I’m no overnight success. I’ve
experienced burnout, overwhelm
and ghosting Instagram for the
entire month of February 2019. I’m
probably the laziest Instagram
marketer you know, but if you want
to know how to sell more by doing
less – you’re in the right place.

watch the free
Instagram Workshop

Get a weekly dose of what’s
working in my business
that you
can implement in yours.

I’m that front-of-class type who’s
passing all the notes your way.

Get a weekly dose of what’s working
in my business
you can
implement in yours.

elise Darma An extroverted introvert

I teach not-so-Insta-famous
business people how to
show up on
in a way that’s bearable and
Let me show you the
ways. (It’ll be fun, I promise.)